Brazilian butt lift

What is a Brazilian butt lift

A butt lift is designed to lift sagging buttocks, allowing for a perkier contour. We employ a variety of surgical techniques, tailored to the needs and body type of our patients, as well as the degree of buttock sagging, in order to provide an optimal aesthetic outcome from a butt lift. We decide on which techniques to use by carefully analyzing the patient’s skin tone and degree of posterior deformity. We will also assess the extent of buttock sagging, looseness and deflation.

When to Consider a Buttock Lift

  • If you have loose, sagging skin and extra fat in your buttocks
  • If you recently experienced dramatic weight loss and are close to your ideal weight
  • If your gluteal area makes you feel self-conscious
  • If the excess skin and fat make you uncomfortable or cause mobility problems

Key Benefits:

  • Your buttock area will look smoother and more toned.
  • The results will be long-lasting.
  • Any discomfort caused by excess skin will be alleviated.

Some Disadvantages:

  • Full recovery could take several months.
  • Future weight fluctuations can affect results.
  • The procedure could result in loss of volume in the buttocks.

Is a Butt Lift Right for You?

A buttock lift may be a suitable option if you have the following concerns:

  • Sagging or Loose Skin: Excess skin on the buttocks that doesn’t respond to diet or exercise.

  • Flat or Disproportionate Buttocks: A desire for a fuller, rounder buttock shape and improved overall body proportions.

  • Post-Weight Loss Changes: Individuals who have lost a significant amount of weight and are left with loose skin in the buttock area can benefit from a butt lift.

  • Aging-Related Changes: Aging can lead to sagging and loss of firmness in the buttocks, which can be addressed with this procedure.

Choosing a Skilled Surgeon

The success of your buttock lift procedure depends on the skill and expertise of your plastic surgeon. At East Coast Surgical Centre, our board-certified plastic surgeons are experienced in performing butt lifts and are dedicated to helping you achieve your desired aesthetic results.

If you’re considering a buttock lift, we encourage you to schedule a consultation to discuss your specific goals and expectations. Our team will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan that aligns with your unique needs. Reclaim confidence in your appearance and achieve a more youthful and contoured buttock shape with a butt lift at East Coast Surgical Centre, where your well-being and satisfaction are our top priorities.

Have a question?

Our expert team are supportive, experienced and offer quality care before, during and after your procedure. If you have any questions please use the form below.