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Originally from Iran, Dr. Anahita Aslani attended Tehran Medical University, the highest ranked Medical school in the country and graduated with an MD degree. Dr. Aslani has had a passion for surgery since childhood. With her passion and dream in mind, she begun a Surgical Residency program at Tehran University Medical Sciences, where she showed her talent and enthusiasm for learning new surgical techniques and performing them, effortlessly.

Thereafter, as a surgeon, Dr. Aslani accepted a position at a teaching hospital, providing medical education. During this time, Anahita felt that something was missing and her desire to learn, operate and accomplish creative surgeries, needed to be fulfilled. With her end-goal in mind, Dr. Aslani began a fellowship with Dr. Gousheh, an outstanding professor of plastic, reconstructive and micro-surgery. Dr. Gousheh encouraged her to continue her journey in this field, and travel to France to learn the latest plastic and reconstructive surgery techniques and approaches.

Dr. Aslani was awarded the Government of France Bursary for subspecialty training courses in Paris university hospitals, and was honoured to work alongside renowned professors of Paris. With exceptional performance and surgical talent, Dr. Aslani executed outstanding final exam marks. Dr Aslani received the Diploma of Microsurgery from École de Chirurgie, Université Paris 13. Continuing her training in Paris hospitals, Anahita performed in many diverse fields of plastic and reconstructive surgery – attending in some of the finest private plastic surgery clinics, learning new techniques and surgical approaches. Dr Aslani completed the “AFSA” program with Professor Masquelet, Université Paris 7, Faculté de Médecine Xavier Bishot.

Dr. Aslani was presented with tantalizing propositions from European countries to hang-her-hat and join their surgical teams; however, her heart guided her to return to her home country. Once returning home, Dr. Aslani dove in, helping patients and sharing her knowledge and experience with other health professionals. She started her own practice, as well as continued working with professor Dr. Gousheh, engaging in sophisticated surgical procedures. Dr. Aslani resumed teaching in universities and founded some new educational programs.

In 2011, Dr. Aslani and her family moved to Canada and proudly called Moncton their home. Upon arriving in Canada, Dr. Aslani enrolled at Sherbrooke Medical school to become a Canadian Medical Graduate. Dr Aslani received her second MD degree in 2016, she entered the postgraduate program of Dalhousie University which she completed in 2018. Dr. Aslani began providing medical care in affiliation to The Moncton Hospital concentrating on areas of her expertise and experience. With vast knowledge and skill in plastic, cosmetic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Aslani continuously contributes to The Moncton Hospital Plastic Surgery team whether being in the operating room or clinics.

Upon meeting Dr. Aslani, Dr. Howley immediately knew that her experience and surgical skill were gold-standard and elite and invited her to join our team. Dr. Aslani enjoys working with our team and takes pride in delivering exceptional patient care and professionalism.

Anahita believes building good communication is the cornerstone of patient care. She speaks French, English, and Persian among others and always dedicates time to learning new languages.

On a personal note, Anahita has a special passion for plants and is a collector of African violets and succulents. She also enjoys painting, jewelry designing, and cooking.